how to hack xpango

Saturday, 3 September 2011

expango hackinggggggg

So here’s exactly what you have to do to get the latest in gadgets such as the always well-known Iphone 16GB, PS3 40GB, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, etc…This Hack will automatically give you 33 credits, enough to get you all of the above. And this is 100% right, I cannot say that it will give you 999 credits because the ones that say that they will give you 999 credits is fake. Go to this site: , click sign up on the upper right side and enter your REAL PERSONAL DETAILS (you don’t wan’t Xpango to deliver your free gadgets to someone else) and if it’s not already there, then write down 92537036 where it says referal id. They will send you the complete registration link to your e-mail so make sure it’s your own. Now here’s the tough part go to Xpango Offer Directory on the right, then click on UK, then click the first one : Lovefilm(it has a 14 day free trial and IF you cancel your account before those 14 days, they will not charge you), write down or paste your referal id down this page and click on participate. Make sure you complete the offer because some guys register but don’t complete the offer and say where’s my fu***** credits!!!!!!!! Wait 2-7 days and you will automatically have 33 credits. Make sure that you do not clear your cookies during this period because that’s what I did the first time and I was going crazy because I hadn’t got my credits. Then cancel your account on Lovefilm, wait another 7 days and your gift/gadget will be delivered 


  1. 92964867 it works put it in the id

  2. 92291402 is the real refferal I'd don't listen to them trolls

  3. Hacked Xpango Account : Just go to this link
    and Make a New Account. Complete Any One Offer and You Will Get 25 Credit. This is a
    Hacked Id So Hurry Up

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. To hack it Just follow some simple steps:-

    (Note:- For this you have to create a new account)

    Open Xpango.
    Register yourself. ( In the Refferal Id Section write 93714460. Its a hacked id )
    And complete Some offers to show the admin that you are active and you have not hacked it.
    After you complete 3-4 offers 89 credits would be added to your account.
    Enjoy :-D

  6. To hack it Just follow some simple steps:-

    (Note:- For this you have to create a new account)

    Open Xpango.
    Register yourself. ( In the Refferal Id Section write 93714460. Its a hacked id )
    And complete Some offers to show the admin that you are active and you have not hacked it.
    After you complete 3-4 offers 89 credits would be added to your account.
    Enjoy :-D

  7. To hack it Just follow some simple steps:-

    (Note:- For this you have to create a new account)

    Open Xpango.
    Register yourself. ( In the Refferal Id Section write 94214660. Its a hacked id )
    And complete Some offers to show the admin that you are active and you have not hacked it.
    After you complete 3-4 offers 89 credits would be added to your account.
    Enjoy :-D

  8. To hack xpango ......
    Just sign up in xpango using refferal id...94366637....
    It really works ......
    There is no time limit can register any time...
